Thursday, October 27, 2011

How I organized my vanity!

Ever since I was little I have been in love with make-up! I loved playing dress up and putting make up on my friends. I would love when dance recitals came around because I got to wear the classic bright red lip stick and pretty blue eyes shadow. So ever since I was little I have been collecting make-up. When I get ready in the morning I do everything at my vanity which is really a desk! It was a cheap way to organizes my make up and have a place to do my homework at the same time.
On the top left I keep my everyday products and on the right I keep all my make up brushes in a make up holders which I made myself.  Right below, are 3 little baskets I bought from Walmart. On the side of my desk I have a bin that holds a lot of make up and other random things.

In my baskets on my desk I keep my lip sticks in one, lip glosses in one and cotton balls and triangle sponges in an other.

 The baskets were very inexpensive. I decorated the baskets myself with a gold ribbon that I had laying around the house and some rhinestones. Make sure to use a hot glue gun to secure the ribbon when starting to weave the ribbon. When the ribbon meets back up cut at an angel and hot glue the other side of the ribbon. Next hot glue rhinestones on the outside of the bins. This is very easy and takes less then 5 minutes.

I made these make up brush holders from glass holders from the dollar store! All I needed was some more ribbon, rhinestones and a hot glue gun. I hot glued the ribbon first then wrapped it around to meet up with the back, cut it at an angel then hot glued it. I did that same thing to all the other ribbons. Then I placed clear beads in the holders and just stuck my make up brushes in them! Super easy!

In my white tall bin is where I keep all of my make up products and other things such as nail polish. 

This is the first drawer. In this drawer I store all my make up palettes, single eye shadow, mascaras and eye liner. I like to keep everything in baskets.

In this second drawer I have a lot of stuff. In this drawer I keep all my face products. I keep them separated according to foundation and blush. I also store my eye lash curlers, contact cases and nail clippers. Once again everything is in baskets so it is easy to find.

In the third draw is where I keep lotion, hair products and some other random things.

In the fourth drawer I keep all my nail polishes.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and I hope it was helpful for you!

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